Part of John's Christmas gift from Nanee and Pops was tickets to see Elmo live at the Sprint Center. So Nanee and myself packed up the kiddos and headed downtown. (Really it was more my mom because I was at work while she was getting the kids ready.) We ate at Fritz Train Cafe for dinner. This is always a good time with the trains going around, dropping off food at the tables. You just can't beat it. John and Sophia had a good time watching the trains and trying to guess when the train was going to show up at our table.

Don't you love those cheeks?

We had some time to kill, so diapers were changed and off to the Crayola store we went! John colored and looked at all the fun items in the store. Sophia even took a jab at drawing with a crayon. She wasn't too sure of the whole thing. Then it was time...we headed to the Sprint Center and John was excited to be greeted by the big Elmo cut out as we entered the door.
We went to see Elmo last year, around the same time. John was about 18 months at the time. We had seats quite high from the stage. I remember John loving it, but he fell asleep after intermission.
This year was totally different. He was SO excited! He kept asking "Where Elmo at?" "When we see Elmo?" My mom got us seats really close to the stage. It was AWESOME! John couldn't take his eyes off the stage the whole time. The theme was Healthy Heroes. He even got to touch Abbey (from Flying Fairy School). After she touched his cheek, he kept touching it. He said she was very soft. There was NO falling asleep. John is still talking about it. He tells people he saw Elmo on stage and Grover was flying.
I wasn't sure how Sophia would like it or if she would even stay awake. This girl was alert the whole time and she loved it! She would bounce on my mom's knee like she was dancing. She would smile and chuckle throughout the whole thing.
It was such a great time. The only bad thing was that as soon as the show started, my camera batteries went dead. I took pictures with my phone, but haven't gotten them onto my computer. Hopefully, I will get them posted soon. This is the one picture we got taken...

John loved his train hat so much from the restaurant. He wore it most of the performance.
Thank you Nanee and Pops!