Saturday, January 15, 2011

Rice Crispy Men on a Snow Day

This past week, we had 3 snow days. It was the best 3 days with the kiddos. We didn't have fits or sickness...just a tooth coming in on Sophia. The days were FABULOUS! I got a lot of stuff done plus quality time with the kids. It was great to have a little bit more break before classes began. One of the days, while Sophia was taking her extremely long naps, John and I made rice crispy treats. It was so much fun. He helped me measure, stir, spread and decorate the yummy treats. He also ate a lot while we were making them. The cutest part was that he would get a sneaky grin on his face every time he would eat something and then he would giggle. He certainly can not hide things!

Measuring out the marshmallows...
Sneaking a marshmallow...
Yes...he has marker on his head.

Spreading the treats
Sneaking candy while Nanee was watching him decorate.

Decorating his Rice Crispy Man....he named him Terry.

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