Thursday, August 11, 2011

An Update on the Kiddos

Today John went to the doctor for his 3 year old appointment. The sweet boy came in weighing 34 lbs (72 percentile) and standing tall at 37 inches (36 percentile). He got his eyes checked and all went well. There was a picture of a plus sign on the vision test. John's comment when asked what the object was simply was "Hey that is at church!" When a coffee cup was shown, he stated "My mom drinks coffee out of that each morning!" Oh the things kids say! The doctor was impressed that we were potty trained both day and night. We talked about Kindergarten shots and my heart fluttered. These will be the next shots that he gets. So all was well at the doctors office. John continues to just amaze me with his speech. He "read" me a story about Neptune tonight. He included words such as "planets", "rings around the planets", "telescope", "orbit", and "the sun is found in the middle". Little smarty pants! He is riding his big boy bike like a pro and still loves being outside, preferably with no shoes or clothes on.

Sweet Sophia is getting bigger each day and thinks she is already 3. She is in love with babies right now. She usually has a baby in her arms with a blanket around the baby. She is saying more words each day and I love it. We are working on animal sounds. I tried to teach her that a cow says moo. John taught her that a cow says "baaa". :) He thinks it is really funny when she says it. She is pointing to body parts. Sophia is quite funny. You see John loves to be the center of attention and he always has. (I am not sure where he got this...maybe Matt :)) When you would ask him to do something such as say animal sounds, he would perform and love it. Sophai is not about that. She doesn't seem to care if people knows she can do stuff. She does it when she wants and only when she wants. She doesn't really need the center of attention stuff. She has learned how to stand up to her brother. The other day at my parents house, John took something from her. As soon as he turned around, she plowed him down! Beware John! John loves to wake people up by yelling "Wake UP!!" Sophia goes up to John if he is sleeping and screams....oh that girl. The upcoming years should be exciting and surprising with these two.

Matt is still in El Paso and things are going well. He will be home on Saturday evening and we are all excited to see him.

I am doing my new job as an administrative intern. It is a great job and I am loving it. It is something new everyday. I am learning so much! So much in fact, I go home mentally exhausted each day. I am also dressing super professional each day. I am looking forward to my Saturdays and Sundays of jeans, sweats and shorts. NO HIGH HEELS! My goal this year is to be consistent with my quiet times before work, to not have a lot of evening activities during the week, and to not have long to-do lists during weekdays. I use to have all these things I wanted to get done in the evenings. I felt like a lot of times it would take away from my time with the kids. So this year, no masters classes and free evenings (except when there is school things). I am going back to being intentional with my family and friends.

Thanks for checking in!

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