Monday, October 18, 2010

Sophia LeAnn was dedicated this Sunday. It was a special day as our family was able to stand together and dedicate Sophia to the Lord. It is a neat experience to hear our church family say that they will help us raise our children. It gives me a sense of security to know that my children are loved so much and have so many people praying for their spiritual future. I look forward to seeing what little Miss Sophia becomes.
The dedication was followed by a celebration with our family. It was a loud but fun time at the Turnbough household.

Dear Father,
We dedicate our sweet Sophia to you. We pray that you will take her in your arms and mold her into what you want her to be. Dear Heavenly Father, we pray as parents that we learn to give her to You. She is your child and I thank you so much for the gift you have given us. We turn her over to you and pray that she will always come back to you in hard times as well as good times. We pray that in good times and hard times, we will turn to you for wisdom and direction.
Thank you again for this beautiful gift. Thank you for allowing us to have this little girl be a part of our family. Thank you for letting us see her grow and learn new thing each day.

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