Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Things Going On In The Turnbough's Household:

We have a new fridge!! Our fridge went out over the weekend...so a new purchase was made. It is slick looking!

Sophia is holding her own bottle and waving at people. We are still working on crawling...truth be told...I think she will go straight to walking. I could be wrong. I guess we will see.
She is also the happiest and laid back baby I have ever met.
Oh..and 2 teeth have appeared on her bottom gums.
She is learning to be tougher and tougher each day since she has John as a brother.

John is cracking us up with his new vocabulary. A family friend asked him if he needed his diaper changed and he told her, "It's just gas."
We were listening to the radio last night and it said KCMO. He started singing it. It was quite cute.
He is counting to 13 with no problems. He goes higher than that sometimes, but his consistent number is 13.
His latest phrase "because why?"
He is also getting three 2 year molars at the same time...YIKES!

1 comment:

The Strader Family said...

Thanks for always sharing! I think Mason is getting his molars too. He has been drooling like crazy.