Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Time = Family Time

I am so excited for Christmas! A huge part of this excitement is that I get to see my brother and sister in law! They live in North Carolina, so we haven't seen them since July! I am so excited for John to get to hang out with them. They haven't seen him since right before he turned 1 and he has changed so much. We have been talking about them coming home at our house A LOT. John will now say "Ott" and "M" for their names. They haven't ever gotten to see me pregnant either, so I am excited for that. I understand why they are in NC, but we do miss them here in MO. Maybe some day we'll live closer together. I love them so much and I am so blessed to have them as siblings. I hope everyone else gets to enjoy their family as much as I do!

I should also put in this blog that I apologize for not blogging lately. My bad! John has been sick. About a week and a half ago, he was hit with an ear infection, a cold and swollen gums from teething. It was a rough week, but he has finally gotten back to his normal self.
See full size image

Today, Matt put in the Sound of Music (he secretly loves that movie). John danced and sang to a lot of the songs. He even got up on the coffee table and did a dance to "Goodbye, Farewell" and "Edelweiss". It was quite cute and we were both excited that he likes that movie!

1 comment:

Whitney Richeson said...

How awesome that you get to spend time with them. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas! Oh and I LOVE that movie too!