Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sightseeing in Grand County, CO

Hello everyone. Sorry I haven't blogged the last few days. We have moved up into our house and we don't have internet or cable yet. We are down here at Pete's house watching Broncos vs. Chiefs game so we have internet! The last few days have been busy with getting the house unpacked and seeing what there is to see in Grand County. Below are the great things we have found:
ALCO - awesome store that you can buy things cheaply! We bought cereal, a coffee maker, two trash cans, dishwashing detergent, toothpaste, and something else I can't think of...for $25!!! YES!
Rocky Mountain Coffee - Awesome local coffee...I would say that I would put it right up there with Starbucks...
Grand Lake - little resort town that is booming especially in the summer time. Mom and Barb...little stores that you will love!! Dad...perfect fishing place! It is a cute little town that has tons of little shops along their Main Street. It is about 25 miles from here.
City Market - every $100 you spend, you get 10 cents off per gallon on your gas!! Gas is 3.09 up here and 3.19 in some places. We already got our Thanksgiving turkey... 12lb for $8.00....yes...I love sales!
Safeway - another grocery shop that has fresh bread everyday at 5:00 p.m.
Church of the Eternal Hills - cute little mountain church that we went to this morning. Our neighbors, Stan and Susan, invited us to go with them. Super nice people and actually we met a few people that were from MO. There was one guy that went to SMS and was a part of Icthus 1988-1992. Crazy huh???
Pearl Dragon - we have found a Chinese restraunt up here in Granby!!! It isn't quite as good as Springfield chinese food, but comparable. YUM YUM
Little Chapel in Winter Park - we haven't actually visited this place yet, but we have been told that they serve dinner to mountain workers every other Friday (the Fridays we don't get paid). Isn't that awesome!!! I love free food.

Okay I think that is it... as you can tell we are learning the ropes around here and really starting to feel at home. I am loving living in a small town again where you see faces over and over again. I don't have the camera down here at this house so I can't put pictures up of Grand Lake. As soon as I have the pics on teh computer I will post them.
Hope all is well with everyone.

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