Sunday, December 11, 2011

Bedtime for 2

Tonight the kiddos wanted to sleep together. We have never tried this before with these two so we said, "Why not?"
Side note: Sophia still sleeps in a crib so this will be her first time sleeping in a big kid bed.
Here is how it went...
At the beginning:
John: "Sophia, you have to lay down and not get up."
Sophia: "K"
John: "Sophia, you have to close your eyes and stop talking."
Sophia: "K"
(While these conversations are going on, Sophia has gotten out of bed 3 or 4 times. She comes to me and just stands in front of me. I say "Sophia, you have to go to
bed." Sophia runs off to John's bed each time. And it is funny to Matt and I that John is telling someone to stop talking when he talks ALL the time.)

At the end:
John: "Mom, I am not sure this is a good idea. Sophia probably should go to her own bed. Here...let me get her blanket."

Sophia: Ends up in tears but is okay when she gets to rock with me in her room.

Both kids are now fast asleep in their own room.

1 comment:

Sarah Beard said...

I love this post! I laughed so hard!