Sunday, June 19, 2011

Daddy's Day

To My Daddy:

Daddy you are the best daddy in the world. These are the reasons we love you:

1. We love that you play and wrestle with us everyday.

2. We love how you play music in our house and have random dance parties.

3. We love how you love us even when we are onery!

4. We love how you are a role model for us and teach us how to live for Jesus through our daily living.

5. We love that you take us to all kinds of neat places.

6. We love that you care for us and take care of us while Mom has to go to class and do homework.

7. We love that you fix things in our house so Mom doesn't go crazy.

We know we have a loud, crazy house, but Mommy, John and Sophia all love you so much for being the best daddy in the world.


John and Sophia

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