Saturday, September 11, 2010

Favorite Things About Today:

1. My daughter was dressed like she was ready to go play tennis...

shoes to match!

2.We went to the Weston Big Red Barn today to pick apples...and they had apples this year!

3. John and Sophia's first hayride!

4. Yesterday, John helped Matt "fold" clothes. Today while I was putting dishes away, John starting trying to put together Sophia's bottles. I said, "What are you doing John?". John says, "I folding Sophia's bottles". I start singing a song that has his name in it and he says, "Mom, I working." I asked, "Do you want me to stop singing?" He replies, "Yes, please."

5. John went pee in the big boy potty tonight! We bought him Cars big boy pants to help entice the idea of going more in the potty.


The Strader Family said...

OH MY!!! I love the tennis outfit with the matching shoes!

The Strader Family said...

Oh and I love that John peed in the potty!