Saturday, January 16, 2010

Today was a day that I got to spend with some of my girlfriends from college. It made me go back and think of the fun that we had living in Phelps Grove. The pictures above are of FNP (Friday Night Praise). As I looked through these pictures tonight, I thought about how cool it was that a HUGE group of college students would meet at 9:00 on a Friday night in a crappy house, to worship God. It was a feeling that I can't begin to explain. The music that filled the house was indescribable and the presence of the Lord was always there. The voices that rose in the darkness of that house were true worship. It made me say a prayer and hope that my children will find something like that one day. I didn't realize how blessed I was to be able to be a part of Icthus.
As I looked at the pictures, it reminded me of what I read today in the book Crazy Love. It was about how we make excuses like "Yes, I am prideful sometimes, but everyone struggles with pride." However, God hates pride and we aren't allowed to tell him he can hate it. The fact is that God can hate pride and he can severely punish us for it. But instead, our loving God, had his Son die for us...for our sin. The book follows up talking about the writings that the Bible has about the sights of Heaven and God on his throne. It is unimaginable and earthly words can't quite describe it. There is constant worshiping going on...this makes me so excited as I think about how much I loved won't even compare.

1 comment:

Whitney Richeson said...

What a wonderful group to have in college. Thanks for the great writing this morning Jodi. I LOVE the way you write.