Yesterday was a big day for John Andrew! He had his first bottle and his first bath. Matt gave John his first bottle yesterday evening and he took it like a pro! I mopped the floor while Matt did it. It was strange not feeding him, but kind of nice to have a break. :) He went right back to nursing last night without a problem.
After was bath time! We got all of John's clothes off and as I was holding him, Matt was preparing the bath, and John decided to poop all down my leg onto the newly mopped floor! Matt took him, so I could get cleaned up and John pee'd all over Matt. We were expecting him to throw a fit when we put him the bath tub, but he didn't cry at all! He actually just layed there and looked around. He did shiver a lot, but we warmed him up quickly with his lion towel. was a good first experience...except for all the excretions...but they help make the story even better. ;)