Saturday, April 28, 2012

Benny and "I a Baby" Stories

John Story:
John is in love with the movie Sandlot. So much in fact that he has become Benny "Jet" Rodriguez. He now introduces himself to people as Benny. He is eaten up with baseball. We play everyday. Today when we went to Jenna's birthday party, he introduced himself as Benny and told everyone that his feet were growing so he needed to get new shoes. 

Sophia Story: 
I couldn't find my Kindle this afternoon. We have a rule that John can play on it but he can't get up and walk around with it. Well he did that today and couldn't remember where he had put it. We tore about the living room but still couldn't find it. I asked Sophia if she had seen it. She said "I don't know...I a baby." Guess where the Kindle her room on her book shelf! She totally tried to get out of it by claiming that she was a baby!! 

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